from content creation, maintenance, and strategy 



is an advertising resource management (ARM) organization that provides advertisers with a tool to manage all media investments on various AdTech and Media platforms from a single interface and in a multichannel perspective.

Chris Greco

Product Marketing Manager at MINT.AI

When you’re an organization with multiple product lines, catering to different geographies, with teams spread across the globe, what you get is an endless array of content combinations.

Chris Greco felt like

he was fighting an uphill battle

With content scattered across a Notion database, Google Drive, and numerous other repositories, keeping up was becoming a juggling act.

With a unique set of challenges, Chris was looking for a solution that could streamline their processes without slowing them down.


Some of the

he set out to achieve were:

That’s when they

Landed at Paperflite.

“We looked at the market, and there were big names in the space which were either crazy expensive or not as good as their name would suggest. So we ended up with Paperflite. Why? Because it seemed to have exactly the right software for our needs.”

Centralizing content

and ensuring easy content access to Sales teams

“We wanted our Sales teams to have fewer choices to make. We wanted to build a repository of content that our sales team could just jump in and use,” chimes in Chris. 

With multiple product lines and multiple teams working out of different geographies, how do you ensure the right content is in place with an easy-to-access structure? And how do you eliminate the risk of non-marketing-approved content going out?

Understanding content’s impact on pipeline and

Driving content strategy

With no way of understanding how Sales teams were using the content, Chris and the team were blind in terms of what content the Sales team found useful and what content was driving sales conversations.

Really important pieces of the content puzzle for MINT. 

Well, well, well, if only there were a platform that could solve this puzzle. If…only!

Is there any content that I need to push more? Is there anything that needs to be accessible every time? And is there any content I know will help convert.

They turned to                Boards to bring structure to this task of organizing all their content.

What happens when a marketer starts to think like a UX designer when trying to ensure Sales teams have easy access to content?

Chris had to combine his marketing skills and his design skills to find a balance between marketing objectives and user experience.

The team started with a content audit to understand the current content structure. This audit was more than just an inventory check of what content exists and what content needs to be added or created. 

I tried to think of it as a UX designer

he says

to create a logical content structure that would ensure easy content access to specific teams within just two clicks.

The content was then categorized based on three key parameters:
Product Line
Buyer Stage

Chris used the Streams function on Paperflite to separate the content by country first, with each country having a separate stream and a global stream for English language assets. This allowed him to cater to the content needs of their diverse teams across countries like Italy, France, and Brazil.

Then, to ensure Sales teams weren’t caught up trying to find content relevant for their region, Chris and the team purposely siloed content available in each market.
for example: the French team not being able to access Italian assets.
Then comes the next variable - Product Line MINT.AI has two main software products:
MINT ARM Enterprise and MINT ARM Retail.
For each product, Chris and his team created specific groups labeled by the product and the specific country.
They also curated assets that were relevant to both products and placed them at the same level as the product groups. These included interproposition content, like a video introduction to advertising resource management, pertinent to the enterprise and retail products.

Easy content access? Check. Fewer decisions for Sales? Check





Leading a small, tight-knit team, Chris prioritized efficiency and quality over quantity in content creation and maintenance. 

The goal was to understand what content resonated with their target audience with the help of data and then go back and optimize their content and make it more efficient.
In Chris’ own words,

We wanted to have some data-driven decisions in content updating, creation, and maintenance especially. We had too many assets, and I’d rather have less but have it actually work and not just go based on my gut.

After rolling out Paperflite, Chris and the team quickly understood that the BDRs found a particular set of content pieces really useful: an introductory video about their Advertising Resource Management (ARM) solution and a simple one-pager emerged as the frequently used and shared assets for initial conversations with prospects.

And during the follow-ups, the Sales team was also re-sharing social media content with the prospects - say, a short video or a Linkedin carousel - using Paperflite, enabling them to track prospect engagement and buying readiness.

Then, after demo calls with prospects, the team shares the presentations shown during the calls (exported as PDFs) and includes videos and recordings of the demo call.

With such rich insights in hand

Chris could effectively discern what content resonated most with their teams. This enabled a more focused and efficient content production tailored to their audience’s preferences.

The engagement metrics also helped them identify which pieces, or even specific slides, required updates. Once identified, Chris and his team could swiftly incorporate changes. The beauty of this process was that these updates seamlessly reflected in the shared content, eliminating the need to resend it. This strategy kept their content fresh and up-to-date without wasting precious time.

This ease in the content update process

ensured that MINT.AI’s messaging remained consistent and relevant, even when their positioning went through changes.

Chris notes,

“We are a company that moves at a breakneck pace, and quite often, we have minor changes, but changes that we still want to push. With Paperflite, we can now push these changes and update the content without having to resend it to customers and prospects”.
As a PMM, customer insights are your bread and butter.
You could get them from your friends in the Customer Success teams or the Sales teams.

But what would a world look like where you have tangible content engagement data that tells you how much time was spent on a slide and what content pieces are driving sales conversations? 

That’s precisely what Chris and the team have been able to achieve with Paperflite. The comprehensive reporting dashboard has become a one-stop shop for Chris and the marketing team to understand content consumption by Sales teams and prospect consumption as well.

This has allowed Chris to track and measure content engagement and performance at a granular level.

It gives me a whole new dimension of data-driven insights for the market to pair with the insights that actually come from the growth team. And that is probably the biggest improvement,

Post Paperflite implementation, Chris says the Sales teams have found it easy to access all the relevant content and package them into a Collection or a content microsite and share it with the prospects with ease instead of having to send content as five links in emails, without any restrictions on file type and size. 
“An unexpected benefit,” Chris says, “has been getting called out by prospects for the kind of content experience we were able to provide. We are not here to do what’s best for ourselves. We are here to make the lives of prospects easier. And well, that helps us sell more.”

adds Chris.








Chris Greco, MINT.AI’s Product Marketing Manager, found himself grappling with disorganized content and an inability to gauge its impact on sales. The challenge: content scattered across multiple platforms, and no clear way to assess what content was driving sales conversations.

The team's first move was a comprehensive audit of their existing content. Using Miro Boards, they started meticulously cataloging and organizing the content based on three key parameters: Region, Product Line, and Buyer Stage. The objective was clear: create a logical content structure that would streamline access for the sales teams.

Chris realized that they needed a robust platform that could bring his vision to life. A platform that could not only manage and distribute the content but also provide valuable insights into its performance. This is where Paperflite fits into the picture.

Post-Paperflite implementation, the sales teams had easy access to relevant, up-to-date content that they could package and share with prospects effortlessly. Using Paperflite’s content engagement metrics, he was able to identify what content resonated with their audience and was able to make improvements to their content strategy.
MINT now has insights into how content is being used in Sales conversations and its impact on revenue.